Thursday, December 24, 2009




If you live in a mild climate with night time freezing temperatures, your valued flowers, bushes, and pond plants can be kept safe by simply covering them at night. There are different ways to cover your plants. A breathable nursery cloth can be purchased from the hardware store or garden center. They are form fitting and look decent too.

But if cost effectiveness is more of a priority, the next best choice is a simple utility tarp. In a pinch, a simple bedsheet will work too. Simply cover at night and uncover in the morning time when the sun warms up the garden.

The warmest place to put your potted plants is up against your house. The prime spot is the sunny side of the house and blocked from the wind. It will not prevent your plants from getting frost bite, but will give them the extra protection needed to survive the cold.

Another easy and attractive way to keep you plants in the winter is to build a window box. You can use old junk windows or plexiglass.


Here is a design that I have used many times with both my vegetable gardens and my ponds. As in previous blogs, I used PVC pipe and plastic sheeting, similar to the picture on the left. Remember, it is important to have as little air space possible above your garden to maximize warmth inside your garden dome.

This design is similar to the picture above and uses utillity wire and plastic. If you want to get a head start on your spring garden, this is the way to get it done. Keep your young plantlings covered both day and night. They will thrive on the added humidity during the day and will be protected from frosty temps at night.



Thank you for visiting my Google Links!

Contact me for your spring and summer pond plants!

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Build an Easy Troth Pond

This started out really shabby and spontanious. I didn't want to buy any materials and only used what I had around the house. I had some old boards that a friend was giving way. I got these through Then I staked the boards up with bricks, rods, and sharpened sticks that I pounded into the ground. I let the fense be the back board and used twine to hang the plastic lining. I had my doubts at first, because it seemed very crude!

Next, I laid out the 4 mil thick plastic sheeting, and gently patted it down with my feet. The cat didn't appreciate it. She thought it would be fun to climb underneath and howled at me when I accidentally stepped on her!

I filled up my troth with water... guarding it from the dog who thought I was putting in a new wading pool!

I added my water hyacinth and that was it! It's not the most charming pond, but it is functional and that is what I was aiming for. The pond has been working well for over a month now.

Go to How to Make a Greenhouse in 1 Hour to see the greenhouse I made over the pond!

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Aquarium Pond Plants

I was just wondering if you can put pond plants in a fish aquarium???

Ms Mossy Pond,

Yes you can put pond plants in an aquarium. The most common are anacharis and hornwort. This is a fresh underwater plant that clarifies and oxygenates the water. These and other types of aquarium grasses can be purchased at your local pet store. You can also start water lotus seeds in an aquarium as long as you have a nice sunny window. Floating plants such as frogsbit, water hyacinth, and water lettuce can be kept in an aquarium but grow much better outdoors.

Later today I received a question about pond plants in a beta container. Plants that grow well in low light will work just fine in a beta container; such as a large vase. Beta are easy to fry in a sunny window where pond plants grow the best. So, because most pond plants need sunshine and beta fish need low light, then pond plants will not work out in a beta aquarium. If you do a Google search for "low light aquarium plants" you should be able to find an attractive plant that will work out well for your beta fish.

How to Repel Ants!

Got ants in the house?
Here are some herbal ideas to keep them away!

Ants are sensitive to bold odors and cannot stand the smell of herbs such as:
  • Cloves
  • Crushed mint leaves
  • Ground Cinnimon
  • Cayenne Pepper
  • Fresh Garlic
  • and Fresh Bay Leaves

If you really want to kill them off the "organic" way, then mix up a wicked batch of 1 part honey to 1 part boric acid. However, this mix is NOT good for pets or children. A safer way to kill these creepy crawlers is to mix up honey with baking yeast. The yeast will expand under the its extoskeleton and the ants will litterally pop!